In every great story, there is a hero, and the concept of the hero’s journey is really quite simple. Essentially the beloved hero goes on a quest, faces unheard-off difficulties, but eventually rises victorious and returns home transformed.

The hero would often have some help along the way, of course, there’s usually someone who aids the hero in the adventure -providing guidance, advice, and support so they can grow into their full potential and achieve what they set out to do.

The internet has changed the way people buy and therefore changes the way we sell.

Consumers today are empowered and have information readily and infinitely available to them by simply doing a quick search on their mobile phones.

With technology influencing consumer behaviors, we have to evolve and adapt the way we engage with prospects, because the truth of the matter is, Lead Generation is now largely a marketing function (not so much sales). Content acts are the voice that enables us to build one-on-one relationships -at scale, and every single customer is the Hero in their own story.